At the end of a video, display the correct credit lines for Apple trademarks used in your video as described in Legal Requirements below. Maintain clear-space requirements when credit lines follow the badge.
When promoting your app, your headline and copy should focus on your app, not on Apple product features. Use clear, simple messaging. Always include a call to action to download your app.
For example, say app name for iPhone or app name for iPad , or use a phrase such as works with or compatible with. List all the Apple products that your app runs on. When including your company name, lead with the company name followed by the app name and end with the appropriate Apple product names. Always use the correct Apple product names with the correct capitalization as shown on the Apple Trademark List.
Always use Apple product names in singular form. Modifiers such as model , device , or collection can be plural or possessive. Never typeset Apple product names using all uppercase letters. Always typeset iPhone , iPad , or iPod touch with a lowercase i and an uppercase P followed by lowercase letters. Always typeset touch with a lowercase t. The name iPhone , iPad , or iPod touch should start with a lowercase i even when it is the first word in a sentence, paragraph, or title.
Never use a lowercase i followed by all uppercase letters. For headlines and copy, use an uppercase X , small cap S , and small cap R whenever technically possible and when you can ensure efficient and accurate implementation.
For example: iPhone X S Max. When you cannot ensure that small caps will render accurately or when technical limitations may prevent the display of small caps, use an uppercase X, S, and R.
For example: iPhone XS Max. To implement small caps on webpages, make sure your specified font supports OpenType and use the font-variant CSS property font-variant: small-caps;. Mac is always set with an uppercase M followed by lowercase letters; MacBook is one word with an uppercase M and B ; and iMac always begins with a lowercase i followed by an uppercase M followed by lowercase letters.
Always typeset Apple Watch as two words with an uppercase A and an uppercase W followed by lowercase letters. It is acceptable to say Name of app for Apple Watch when your promotion is focused on your app features and benefits related to Apple Watch. When promoting your app, your headlines and copy should focus on your app, not on Apple Watch features.
When referring to Apple Watch, include the series number, such as Apple Watch Series 6 , depending on the features and functionality available in your app. Apple TV is typeset as two words with an uppercase A followed by lowercase letters, and an uppercase TV.
Always typeset App Store with an uppercase A and an uppercase S followed by lowercase letters. It is correct to say that an app is available on the App Store or can be downloaded from the App Store. Apple product names can appear in copy along with the names of other app platforms or devices. List Apple products first.
Although the names of other products can be used in promotional copy, never display Apple product images alongside the images of other products.
Apple trademarks can be used in URLs only for web pages that feature apps developed specifically for the Apple product named. Never start a URL with an Apple trademark. Acceptable: www. Always set Apple trademarks in English, even when they appear within text in a language other than English. Terms that should not be translated or transliterated include:. For a list of Apple trademarks, please see the Apple Trademark List.
Do not use trademark symbols on products, product documentation, or other product communications that will be distributed outside the United States. For the correct trademark symbols, refer to the Apple Trademark List. If your users generate revenues paid app, in-app purchases, etc. What exactly should you send to your future users? Like I said above, either one link per store App Store, Google Play or a single link where the device used will be detected and the user automatically directed to the right store.
For that last option, you can use the Mobile Detect php class really easy to implement. What I really like on the Path website besides the fact that they integrated an actual video of the app being used and their website is responsive is that they give some instructions: users can either download the app through their browser, or receive the text message with the link.
They also included both the App Store and Google Play badges, just in case. You might also want to check out the following video presentation on mobile app distribution, made by Rob Spectre from Twilio. There are other ways you could use their service for your app marketing offline marketing, sharing within the app, etc. No matter how great your app is, or how good your copywriting or design is…without a clear call-to-action to get visitors to download your app or get notified of its launch , your app website or landing page loses all its interest.
Make sure you make it easy for potential users to find and download your app. Consider trying app download buttons and mobile app distribution via SMS to see if they increase downloads.
Have you noticed significant a significant download increase or decrease by changing your call-to-action? Have you tried mobile app distribution with Twilio yet, or know of any good services that allow the same thing? Share your experience in the comments! Hi, Sylvain. I agree this is a great article, very easy to understand and thorough. I do have some questions though. Also I am working from my own machine, and I build a static html page to test your code.
With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. Mac App Store Preview. Screenshots Mac iPhone iPad. Description Join the slowly unfolding adventure of Just Button. Nov 4, Version 1. Ratings and Reviews. App Privacy. Information Seller aleros. Size Category Games. Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS Mac Requires macOS Download Available on App Store Button in all formats including free icons for commercial use. You can sign out of the app store by scrolling down to the bottom of the featured apps page and clicking on iTunes account button and signing out.
Verify and make sure that the. And the App Store is the best place to discover new apps that let you pursue your passions in ways you never thought possible.